How Can We Help to Conserve Our Magnificent Elephants?

How many elephants are left in the world in 2020?

With only 40,000-50,000 left in the wild, the species is classified as endangered. And it is critical to conserve both African and Asian elephants since they play such a vital role in their ecosystems as well as contributing towards tourism and community incomes in many areas.

How can we help to conserve elephants? 

To get there, we need to employ five major strategies:

  1. Prevent illegal killing.
  2. Protect elephant habitat.
  3. Monitor elephant numbers, poaching rates, and threats to elephant habitat at key sites in Africa and Asia.
  4. Reduce ivory trafficking.
  5. Reduce the demand for ivory.

Why elephants should be conserved?

 Elephants help maintain forest and savanna ecosystems for other species and are integrally tied to rich biodiversity. Elephants are important ecosystem engineers. They make pathways in dense forested habitat that allow passage for other animals. Elephants also create water holes used by other wildlife as they dig dry riverbeds when rainfall is low.

 What is the purpose of elephants?

As the largest of all land mammals, African elephants play an important role in balancing natural ecosystems. They trample forests and dense grasslands, making room for smaller species to co-exist. Elephants also create water holes used by other wildlife as they dig dry riverbeds when rainfall is low.

Are elephants smart?

Elephants are exceptionally smart creatures. They have the largest brain of any land animal, and three times as many neurons as humans. While many of these neurons exist to control the elephant's large and dexterous body, these creatures have demonstrated their impressive mental capabilities time and time again.

These Are the 9 Best Charities for Helping Elephants

Below are our favorite charities for helping elephants (you can click on their link to jump to their section in this article directly):

Thanks to Joaquín Rivero for this beautiful photo.





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